The Mural Catalog of Subjects

This catalog is a work in progress, but hopefully provides enough structure and detailed content to clearly demonstrate the vision. Only one index is currently populated, Subjects by Category, Alphabetically, but others are being considered and discussed, including the following.

The hierarchies would attempt to provide additional organization around relationships between subjects. For example, highlighting subjects that contain other subject(s), e.g., the tableaux “19th Century Yankees” contains Colton, Dana, Frémont, Larkin, Hartnell, Ord, Sloat and Stevenson and is contained by the “Galleon Tableaux.” The current index attempts to capture this kind of information with notes to “see” ....

The last section of this page lists (by panel) currently unidentified subjects or “unsubs” and their location on the Mural. They may be added to an index later.

Reference Grid Notation

We may already regret this, but have inverted the traditional labeling of a reference grid. The 9-by-12-inch content tiles are identified row(s)-first, column(s)-second and the rows and columns are indexed alphabetically and numerically, respectively. An individual tile may be referenced by a single alphabetical character followed by a number. Since there are nine rows of content tiles, the rows range from A through I; the column numbering beings with 1. For example, the uppermost, left-hand tile is “A1” and the lowermost, right-hand tile is “I61”. Otherwise, columns would require the use of multi-character values halfway through, e.g., the midpoint column would be “AF”. The mural's large aspect-ratio (5:1) makes the traditional notational convention unwieldy.

Spans and ranges can be identified by separating the endpoints by dash, “-”, and colon, “:”, respectively. For example, the telegraph/phone poles and lines are located at E33-46 and the whale occupies 4 tiles that may be referenced A6:B7.

Subjects Alphabetically by Category

All identified subjects have been categorized as one of the following (work in progress):


Eleven flags from five different nations are depicted in the mural. The English flag was probably never flown over Monterey, but there continues to be much speculation about the location of Drake's landings in California. The Argentine flag was flown briefly here by the privateer Bouchard in 1818. Seven flags are flown from the two wooden ships, three from buildings and the City of Monterey flag is on the biplane's fuselage.

(Republic of) Argentina (1812) ... B24
California - Todd's Bear Flag ... A43:B44
California Lone Star ... A25
England - Cross of St. George ... A1
(Republic of) Mexico ... A25
(City of) Monterey (1977) ... A45
Spain - Cross of Burgundy ... B1
Spain - Royal Standard / Naval Ensign ... D18
Spain - Naval Ensign (1785-1931) ... D21
U.S. (1848-1851) ... B25
U.S. - Fremont Flag (1841) ... B31


So far, two dozen personages have been inventoried in the Mural. In addition to “the carefree Indians, merchants, photographers and honky-tonk vendors” Granizo gave shoutouts to at the unveiling, he also included authors, developers, entertainers, padres, soldiers, sailors and community leaders. Almost all are historical figures and most are explicitly named by Granizo, either in cameos or tableauxs, like Steinbeck (A60) or Colton (E25) in “19th Century Yankees” (D23:E26), respectively (row-first-column-second grid coordinates in parentheses). When a place or storefront clearly references a bona fide person, they're included here as well, e.g., Flora's.

Granizo did include a few conceptual or fictional characters, including the 49er (F25:G26) and Dennis the Menace (B37). Of course, there are hundreds of people captured in the midst of everyday work, play and adventure across the centuries — Granizo's celebration of our collective humanity, which cannot be individually memorialized or muralized.

de Anza, Juan Bautista (1736-1788) ... E19-20
founder of San Francisco
Anza Expedition
de la Ascensión, Antonio ... D2-3
Booth, Frank (E.F. [sic]) ... B50-1
Bouchard, Hipólito (1780-1837) ... C23
Battle of Monterey
Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez (1499-1543) ... F-G1
Colton, Walter (1797-1851) ... E25
first American alcalde of Monterey
author, Three years in California [1846-1849]
19th Century Yankees
Crosby, Bing ... A59
Dana, Richard Henry (1815-1882) ... D25
author, Two Years Before the Mast
19th Century Yankees
Drake, Francis (1540-1596) ... F-G4
Ferrante, Pietro (1867-1954) ... A48
Pietro and his wife Rosa were early 20th-century community leaders.
49er, Eureka [text] ... F25:G26
Galleon Tableaux
Frémont, John C. (1813-1890) ... D25:E26
Colonel, U.S. Army, California Battalion
signer, Treaty of Cahuenga, January 13, 1847
19th Century Yankees
Larkin, Thomas O. (1802-1858) ... D-E26
first (and only) U.S. Consul to Mexican Alta California
Larkin House, 19th Century Yankees
Hartnell, W.E.P. (1798-1854) ... D25-6
19th Century Yankees
Menace, Dennis the (1950-)... B37
Dennis the Menace Park
Morse, S.F.B. (1885-1969)... A60
founder, Del Monte Properties (1919)
Ord, Edward (1818-1883) ... E25-6
19th Century Yankees
de Portolá, Gaspar (1716-1786) ... F-G14
founder and first Governor of Alta California
Founding of Monterey
Serra, Junípero (1713-1784) ... F14:G15
founder and first president of the California Missions
Founding of Monterey
Sloat, John D. (1781-1967) ... D26
the Commodore claimed California for the U.S., July 7, 1846
Sloat Monument, 19th Century Yankees
Steinbeck, John (1902-1968) ... A60
author, Cannery Row “... a poem, a stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a tone, a habit, a nostalgia, a dream.”
Sherman, William Tecumseh (1820-1891) ... F37
Sherman Quarters
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894) ... E26
author, The Old Pacific Capital
Stevenson House, 19th Century Yankees
Vizcaíno, Sebastián (1528-1624) ... F2:G3
Woods, Flora (1877-1948) ... A49
de Zúñiga, Gaspar (1560-1606) ... C1
The 5th Count of Monte Rey was the Viceroy of New Spain when Vizcaíno sailed.


Granizo included many historic and modern buildings, parks, businesses and other landmarks. It's likely he drew on existing materials about the historic adobes by the Hicks, Johnston, O'Donnell, and others; his subtitle for the mural may have been an homage to their work.

Abalonetti Seafood [Text] (1951) ... F53-55
Aeneas Sardine Products [Text] (1945-52) ... B51:C54
Bodega [Text] ... G19:H21
Booth (F.E.) Cannery (1895) ... E53:F54
Carmel Mission Basilica (1797) ... A16-9
Misión de San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo (1791)
Carousel Candies (1960) ... F56-58
Casa Munras (1824) ... E29:F34
Casa del Oro (1845) ... E34:F35
Casa Soberanes (1842) ... D38:E41
China Point (1853) ... A35-37
Cabrillo Point
Colton Hall (1849) ... C29:D32
Colton, 1846-1849
Cooper Molera (1827) ... C33-36
(El) Cuartel (1840?) ... B16:C18
Custom House [Text] (1827) ... D43:E47
Custom House Plaza Fountain (1969-2015) ... C42-43
(Old) Del Monte Hotel (1880) ... A39-40
Naval Postgraduate School
Dennis the Menace Park [Text] (1956) ... B37
Doc's Lab [Text] (1928) ... B46-47
Pacific Biological Laboratories
Doubletree Inn [Text] (1978-2004) ... B40:C43
Portola Hotel & Spa
Duarte's Emporium [Text] (1898) ... D43:F45
Edgewater Packing Company [Text] ... B48-51
Few (Charles and Agatha) House (1891) ... A31:B32
First Brick House (1847) ... B28:C29
First Theatre, California's [Text] (1848) ... E46:F50
Flora's [Text] ... A49
Woods, Flora
Geno's Famous Seafood [Text] ... E60:G61
Harbor House Gifts [Text] (1952) ... D55:E56
Hopkins Marine Station [Text] (1892) ... A46-47
House of the Four Winds (1835) ... C37:D39
Hovden Cannery (1916-1973) ... A52-55
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Laguna Seca [Text] ... B38-9
Larkin House
Lone Cypress (1750) ... A22-23
Marsh and Sons (1928) ... A43:B44
Monterey Boat Works [Text] (1916) ... A46:B47
Monterey Canning Company [Text] (1918) ... C49:D53
(Old) Monterey Jail (1854) ... B26:C27
Municipal Wharf No. 2 (1926) ... C57:D61
Old General Store [Text] (1918) ... A50-51
Wing Chong Market
835 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940
Pacific House (1847?) ... C39:D44
Perry House (1860) ... B29-30
Point Pinos Lighthouse (1855) ... A40-41
Rappa's Seafood Restaurant [Text] ... E58-59
Royal Presidio Chapel (1794) ... C13:D16
San Carlos Cathedral (of Monterey)
Sam's Fishing Fleet (1914-?) ... E54-57
Sherman Quarters (1834) ... D36:F38
Sherman, 1847-1849
Larkin House, gardens of
Sloat Monument (1910) ... A44:B45
Sly McFly's [Text] ... A52:B53
Stevenson House
Stevenson, 1879
Tor House (1919) ... A-B39
U.S. Coast Guard Station [Text] ... E51-4


Anza Expedition (1775-6) ... E18:F21
Bear and Bull Fight ... E18-20
Battle of Monterey (1818) ... B20:C24
Cannery Row ... A49:C53
European Explorers' Ship ... C1:I5
Cabrillo on La Victoria (1542–1543)
Drake on the Golden Hind (1577–1580)
Vizcaíno on the San Diego (1602-1603)
Explorers' Longboat (Vizcaíno?) ... A7:B12
Fandango ... D18-21
Filmmaking ... C41-42
Fisherman's Wharf and Harbor ... E49:G61
Founding of Monterey (1770) ... F13:G17
Portolá, Serra
Galleon (supply ship) Tableaux ... D23:G26
Galleon (supply ship) Unloading ... C21:I29
Golf and Tennis ... B37:C38
Land of Plenty ... F23:G24
Galleon Tableaux
Mission Burial ... D16:E17
Music Festivals, Bach and Jazz [Text] ... A37:B38
19th Century Yankees ... D23:E26
Galleon Tableaux
Ohlone Basket Bearers ... C4:D5
Ohlone Basket Weavers ... G5:H6
Ohlone Burial ... C11:D12
Ohlone Hunting and Gathering ... G7:I11
Ohlone Roundhouse ... C6:E11


Along the seashore (along the bottom) of the second half of the Mural, Granizo presents a progression of advancements in land transport, from buggies and covered wagons to trains and automobiles. At the end of this parade, the transports give way to pedestrian traffic on Old Fisherman's Wharf (G53).

Whether horses should be documented in this section is still to be determined.

Airplane (Biplane) ... A44-46
Automobile(s) ... F43:H53
Balloon(s), Hot air ... A37:B39, A47:B49, A59:B61
Covered (Conestoga) Wagon(s) ... H32:I36
Horse and Buggy ... H24:I27
Locomotive (Del Monte Express)... G42:H44
Stagecoach (Wells Fargo [Text]) ... F33-34
Streetcar (Monterey and Pacific Grove Street Railway) [Text]... G40:H43
Telegraph/Telephone Poles ... F33-45
Watercraft ... C1:I5, A7:B12, H7:I11, C22:I27, G51:I61


Unidentified subjects or unsubs are grouped here by the physical panel they are located in; within each panel, the unsubs are listed starting from the uppermost, left-hand corner tile and ending with the lowermost, right-hand corner tile. If a category and/or working name or title has been assigned, it is listed after the location. Once detailed, these subjects may be moved to an index in the future.

This is a work in progress and highly subject to change.

Panel 1 — columns 1-5 (A1:I5)


Panel 2 — columns 6-18 (A6:I18)

C11:D12 ... Ohlone 2,1
G18:H19 ... Washing Clothes? under ? Tree

Panel 3 — columns 19-31 (A19:I31)

none identified yet

Panel 4 — columns 32-44 (A32:I44)

none identified yet

Panel 5 — columns 45-57 (A45:I57)

none identified yet

Panel 6 — columns 58-61 (A58:I61)

none identified yet


The following sources have been used to identify and describe the Mural subjects above.

  1. Viejo Monterey by Colleen Sullivan and Mary Ann Finocchi, , D'Angelo Publishing, Co., Monterey, California.